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Profilul psihologic al neoFascistului
Profilul psihologic clasic al unui fascist poate fi înteles din perspectiva unor trasaturi de personalitate, atitudini și comportamente care au fost frecvent asociate cu ideologiile autoritare. Deși indivizii pot varia, urmatoarele caracteristici sunt adesea identificate: Psihologii sociali numesc personalitate autoritara, un concept explorat de Theodor Adorno și colaboratorii sai în lucrarea „The Authoritarian Personality”. Acest…
Women, Feminism, Femininity
I’ve written this article in 2021 on my previous site, but I re-wrote it for this one with aditional information. Feminine Energy Feminine energy is the negative property of a whole, which is complemented by masculine energy, the positive part of the whole. Negative and positive here do not mean bad and good. In…
The link of the signs in the Zodiac
The zodiac signs, ancient symbols of celestial wisdom, offer a unique lens through which we can understand the evolving characteristics of human nature. From Aries to Pisces, each sign builds upon the traits of the previous one, creating a flowing narrative of growth, transformation, and deepening self-awareness. Here we’ll find the essence of each zodiac…